
Hearing Aid Coverage Update

Edit: Please refer to your plan documents in MyChart to understand if this benefit is included in your plan. (May 10, 2019)

As of January 1, 2019, Quartz will cover hearing aids that are not on our approved hearing aid list for HMO, POS and PPO members. If the hearing aid that is recommended is not on the list of approved models, coverage will be limited to $1,500 per ear, every three years. Coverage is available for members up to age 18 in Minnesota; there is no age limit for coverage in Wisconsin or Illinois.

Note the following definitions and limitations –

  • Hearing aids are defined as any externally wearable instruments or devices designed to enhance hearing, prescribed by a physician or audiologist in accordance with accepted professional medical or audiological standards
  • Covered hearing aids must be obtained from a participating provider (for HMO, POS and PPO members) and are limited to specific models
  • Coverage for hearing aids is limited to one hearing aid for each ear every three years
  • Treatment (defined as services, diagnoses, procedures, surgery and therapy provided by a health care professional) for a child under age 18, related to hearing aids and cochlear implants is also covered

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