
COVID-19 Member Information

Vaccines and resources

We understand you have questions about vaccines right now. Check out the resources here: COVID-19: Staying Up to Date with Your Vaccines

Nonemergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services for BadgerCare Plus and/or Medicaid SSI members:

As of May 12, 2023, rides for COVID-19 testing, vaccination, and treatment will need to be scheduled two business days in advance. Learn more.

COVID-19 vaccine recommendations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone eligible get the vaccine that’s available to them as soon as possible.

To find a local COVID-19 vaccine provider visit

State-level resources on COVID-19 vaccines

Health system resources for vaccine information

Are the vaccines covered?

COVID-19 vaccines are covered with a $0 cost-share if they are received at in-network providers.

We are a phone call away! If you need to reach us, please call (800) 362-3310 or TTY 711. You can also send a secure message via MyChart.

Cost-sharing may apply for COVID clinical lab tests

COVID-19 viral testing or antibody testing for commercial and Quartz Medicare Advantage (HMO) members:

As of May 12, 2023, a copay, coinsurance, or deductible may apply for medically necessary* COVID-19 tests ordered by a provider in our network. Please call your provider in advance before you go to any facility for testing.

*Medically necessary tests include tests for members with known or suspected symptoms, known or suspected exposure, and those entering health care facilities for service.

Third-party screening tests for employment, school admission, or travel are not covered

As you can see, we cover tests ordered by a provider to meet members’ medical needs. We do not cover screening tests requested by third parties, such as those for employment, school admission, or travel: Tests requested for return to work, school, or participation on a sports team are typically paid for by the organization requesting them or by the person receiving the non-covered service.

Your quick reference to telehealth and virtual visits

Telehealth and virtual visits are appropriate and cost-effective choices. We want to help you better understand your options. Learn about Telehealth/Virtual Visits

Viruses don’t discriminate – neither should we

This Anti-Stigma Fact Sheet from Public Health Madison & Dane County explains why we shouldn’t discriminate against people that we think may have COVID-19. Visit Public Health Madison & Dane County for more information.

Do you need help with premium payments?

Quartz and UW Health are teaming up with the United Way of Dane County to fund HealthConnect. HealthConnect helps local families pay for health insurance premiums.


CDC resources

The CDC is a reliable source for information about COVID-19. Resources are available in English and Spanish on the CDC website. Some topics you may be interested in are: 

State level resources

Stay informed and get state-level COVID-19 updates. Visit the following sites:

Other resources

Other resources to help keep you and your family safe.

Contact us

Quartz is committed to providing superior customer service. That's one reason we offer so many ways to reach us.